[A] Scriptural Instruction: The Biblical verses cited below [in no particular order] cohesively explain a particular Scriptural vision of how to properly engage oneself in faithful service of “The Divine Agenda” ~
[1] “To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.” ~ 1st Peter 2:21 / NIV
[2] “[3] Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, [4] not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. [5] In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” ~ Philippians 2:3-4 / NIV
[3] “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” ~ 2nd Corinthians 3:18 / NIV
[4] “[12] When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. [13] “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. [14] Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. [15] I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” ~ John 13:12-15 / NIV
[5] “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” ~ John 13:34 / NIV
[6] “[9] As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. [10] If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. [11] I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” ~ John 15:9-11 / NIV
[7] “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” ~ 1st Corinthians 11:1 / NIV
[8] “Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.” ~ 1st John 2:6 / NIV
[9] “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” ~ Ephesians 4:32 / NIV
[10] “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” ~ Colossians 3:13
[B] Messianic Instruction: “Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.” ~ The Gospel of John, Chapter 18, Verse 37 / KJV
Therefore, the working, “takeaway” impression is that we are to present ourselves to this world as how Scripture teaches us; which is to say, in the manner that the apostle Paul would have us live, which is in the likeness of The Master Teacher, Yahshua Messiah / Jesus Christ – with that being, specifically, as that of a “witness unto the truth.”
PART TWO: 3 Examples of Known Truths:
[A] “The Beatles’ White Album / Sacred Name Paradox” – This matter concerns our factually understood and Scripturally-perceived role in this life as being that of a living and participating “witness unto the truth”, exactly as the Bible teaches us to be – AND – exactly as outlined above. The following argument - (or, “Point-of-View”) - is thus based solely upon the facts as we truthfully understand them to be:
THE BEATLES were a 1960’s pop music group who to this day is renowned for paving the way for rock music to be appreciated as an art form to be seriously listened to and not merely a beat for songs that could be danced to . . . In December of 1968, The Beatles released a double-album package simply entitled, “The Beatles” . . . That title, “The Beatles”, appeared in small, black letters on the cover of an otherwise entirely white album. The proper, legal NAME of the album is, “The Beatles” – but the public has always called the Double-Album release by the name of, “The White Album.”
FACT: If I go to YouTube and type in the search window, “The Beatles Full Album” – I am not taken directly to “The White Album” because “The Beatles” put out many “Full Albums” . . . If I type in “The Beatles Full Album” or even “The Beatles The Beatles Full Album” – (which would technically be referring the correct, proper name of “The White Album” as that of "The Beatles") – I still don’t get “The White Album” right away as I have to sift through all the “Full Album” uploads by “The Beatles” in order to find “The White Album” . . . But if I type in “The Beatles White Album” I am taken right to the desired upload, even though, as it were, that album “does not exist” – THAT “even though” conclusion is crazy, you see; and surely the logic we examine here is indeed, CRAZY, if it’s to be taken seriously. Did “The Beatles” record an album that doesn’t exist? Well, the name of the album doesn’t officially exist; but the actual album DOES exist – so where does that take us?
IMPORTANT: I have run into plenty of arguments from people who seek to discourage use of the proper Name, “Jesus Christ” as being equivalent to that of “The-Son-of-the-One-True-God - **YAHWEH** - for a variety of different reasons of which you are already familiar. The problem that I consistently encounter with those arguments is that any conscious denial of the Divine Validity of the English Name, “Jesus Christ” is precisely akin to the exact same notion - [in common principle] - of thus also making the ridiculous claim that the Beatles did not, in fact, record, “The White Album” – and I want to stress how that line-of-reasoning is firmly bound by, “The Laws of Consistent Logic”, if you will - and if one is to apply that principle in one place, then it must be present in ALL places; and so by the very same principle, people who disown or otherwise betray the Sacred, English Name of “Jesus Christ” are bound by their own logic that they must likewise demand that because there never was an album called, “The White Album” by the Beatles, that album therefore never existed, it must be a “false” recording, or whatever . . . and THAT “logic” simply does not lead to truth!
To make the [required] extended claim as outlined in the above paragraph, is, quite frankly, an absurd idea and does not follow proper protocol as outlined in “The Divine Agenda”, specifically as we explored in PART ONE of this discussion:
We are obligated to “bear witness unto the truth.”
The entire world knows it’s true that it was the Beatles who recorded, “The White Album”, even if that notion by name is historically inaccurate - (meaning that technically speaking, “The Beatles” did not record anything called, “The White Album”) – In like principle, we can plainly see how that fact does not change the accuracy of the appointed reference of either “The White Album” or that of the proper Name, “Jesus Christ” . . . The point is that according to the Divinely-Inspired Biblical Protocol explored in PART ONE of this document, we know that we are Biblically instructed and/or thus firmly obligated to “bear witness unto the truth” – and the truth is that the Beatles did actually record “The White Album”, regardless of what anyone says, regardless of the known history of that record and also regardless of any particular need to verify every facet of this claim.
Thus, for me or for anyone else to knowingly deny the Divine Validity of the English Name, “Jesus Christ” would be to have me FAIL in my Divine Obligation to “bear witness unto the truth” – and that I might convincingly back up my claim, in the next section, entitled, “The Yahshua Messiah / Jesus Christ Wikiquote Paradox”, I will further explore this notion as an undeniable fact.
[B] “The Yahshua Messiah / Jesus Christ Wikiquote Paradox” – So, moving on, we know and have firmly established that we are Biblically obligated to “bear witness unto the truth”; and that, accordingly, it would be outright wrongfully deceptive to insinuate that the Beatles did not, in fact, record, “The White Album”. . . This is because we, as followers of Yahshua Messiah / Jesus Christ, are not designed by Him via our rebirth in Him that we should ever knowingly steer anyone away from the truth:
Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” ~ Matthew 16:23 / NIV
“Human concerns”, as it were in my mind and specifically as it pertains to this particular case, are uniformly comprised of the many complex and dangerously demonic taunts of pressured and stylized legalism that demand no one recognize the English Name of “Jesus Christ” as being equivalent to that of The-Son-of-The-One-True-God - **YAHWEH** - In constant manner, we hear stories justifying this argument along the lines of [1] there was no letter “J” in ancient times, [2] therefore, no one actually called our Messiah by the English Name of “Jesus Christ” when He was alive; and so it follows that it would be wrongfully irreverent of us to do so now, or that [3] “Jesus Christ”, as It were, is thus a false god – and that is often backed up with this particular Bible verse:
“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” ~ Acts 4:12 / NIV
To be sure about this: I understand the argument-on-the-table from my opposition to be that what is historically accurate is more important than the timeline which hosts very same history. I am arguing a different point; that Scripture, Itself teaches us that what is truthful is what is either [1] preferred by, or [2] what is desired by - **YAHWEH** - and to my understanding thereof, I am not to deny the truth as I understand it to be, lest I wrongfully lead someone down any road-of-deception.
Most certainly, if you hold to that particular value - (meaning the need to make the accuracy of history more important that the truth of Divine Revelation) – then, accordingly . . . “Jesus Christ is not the Son-of-Yahweh every bit as much as the Beatles didn’t record the White Album” – but I can’t go along with that faulty reasoning because you and I both know for a fact that the Beatles DID record, “The White Album” no matter what the album jacket reads; and so therefore, “Jesus” Wasn’t The Wrong Guy” because I am Biblically obligated to “bear witness unto the truth.” [See part C , in the next section, below]
Any search for “Yahshua Wikiquote” on Google takes me nowhere on the internet and there are reasons for that; but those reasons don’t change the truth of what is really happening with regard to the proper Name, “Jesus Christ” when entered into the search window, either literally or spiritually or even metaphorically – and my position on this is that what is really happening is TRUTH; and that the pursuit thereof is valued as an Higher Moral Virtue by - **YAHWEH** - than merely honoring an accurate history of what has already happened here on earth.
“No other name” as Biblically quoted above would thus have to mean or otherwise indicate any Name that does not truthfully point to it’s intended, Divine Description: whatever is not Holy is thus Unholy; and in this case, the English Name, “Jesus Christ” unfailingly does not and never has ever referred to anyone else in earth’s history other than that of The-Son-of-the-One-True-God - **YAHWEH** - That is a fact which cannot be denied . . . Indeed! For me to deny that very real and tangible fact would make me a blatantly deceptive LIAR – (and in this discussion, we are, on the contrary, committed to addressing the facts, as previously agreed upon) - But how do I further illustrate/justify use of the Name “Jesus Christ” as reasonable fact?
Recently, while pondering how to finally articulate my reinforced position in this ongoing discussion, I recalled that as a standard matter of everyday practice each morning when I prepare and post “The Daily Readings” onto FaceBook, I routinely go to Google and type in “Jesus Wikiquote” – and instantly, I am quickly taken to that webpage wherein all statements made by the “Man in Question”, if you will, are presented in an organized and easy-to-follow outline. Understand that I routinely type in the literal words, “Jesus Wikiquote” that I will be taken to the proper webpage which will list His many inspiring and thought-provoking quotes.
Accordingly, I know that as I pursue this each morning, I must “bear witness unto the truth” – as THAT, in particular, is my understood Biblical obligation – and as you have seen, this specific and obligatory value is clearly and repeatedly stressed all throughout the body of this document. We cannot forget that or confuse it with anything else if the full scope of what is presented here is to be fully appreciated.
Therefore, to help test my theory, I went to Google again, and typed in “Yahshua Wikiqote” and there is no such webpage. The reason for this is all that information is found on the “Jesus Wikiquote” webpage.
So, OK, it’s an understood given that nobody called our Messiah by the English Name, “Jesus Christ” when He was alive here on planet Earth – that is an understood given; but my Biblical obligation demands that I recognize what is really happening in the world around me, that I “bear witness unto the truth”; and what is really happening is that when I type in “Jesus Wikiquote”, I am taken to a webpage hosting the literal, English quotes of “Yahshua Messiah” – Accordingly, that I might honor my understood Biblical obligation, I must openly acknowledge the undeniable fact that the Name, “Jesus” is what is taking me to the desired webpage which hosts Yahshua’s quotes . . . To deny that fact would be to for me to be a blatant LIAR because . . . once again: we all know who recorded The White Album – I won’t lie about that: it was the Beatles; and so by acknowledging that, I am thus likewise firmly obligated to acknowledge that as a follower of Yahshua Messiah / Jesus Christ, I am not designed by Him via my rebirth in Him that I should ever knowingly steer anyone away from the truth – (as previously mentioned, above.) Therefore, “Jesus” Wasn’t the Wrong Guy ~
[C] “Jesus” Wasn’t the Wrong Guy – This section relates the simple fact that it was my earthly father, Larry Michael Fry, who first, if you will, “introduced” me to “JESUS” – and he did it by use of that English Name.
At a very early age, barely that of a toddler, I have a clear memory of my father Larry showing me a Bible and of him telling me that “Jesus is the Son-of-God” and that “what he said is printed in red ink because He is very important” . . . I could barely speak at this age because I was so young, you see . . . Then, as life progressed, we were both raised in the same church and we all read English Bibles, of one translation or another. People went to church. People prayed in the Name of “Jesus Christ”.
People trusted in Yahweh (whether they knew Him by that formal Name or not), and they witnessed personal, Christian revelation in the Holy and Sacred Name of “Jesus Christ” . . . They read about the ministry of this same individual whom we now understand to be more formally known as that of, “Yahshua Messiah” –
The point here is that my earthly father, Larry, nor the well-meaning and blessed people at the Good Shepherd United Methodist Church (that I grew up attending regularly) . . . Literally none of them “steered” anyone in the wrong direction . . . They did not take us to “a false god” in that church, lest they not sincerely know our heavenly Creator in whom they trust and love . . . I believe that - **YAHWEH** - honors their faith [in “Jesus”] because of the TRUTH with which their faith was founded and is to this day, grounded; and also, I believe in the TRUTH with which He was/is able to bless them, and us, accordingly, because I have seen the successful unfolding of The Power of Prayer as an active and vibrant agent-of-changing-reality triggering many miraculous, physical healings to the credit and Holy Integrity of their honest prayers in “JESUS CHRIST” – These prayers were and are valid because they were and are rooted in TRUTH as opposed to that of deception - and that, accordingly, rules out the possibility of there being a demonic influence at work here, an evil force luring people to the Name “Jesus Christ” . . .
It’s just not happening that way because I have seen their prayers answered, directly – and in the midst of all that, we want to remember that an active, living TRUTH is prized as demonstrative of an Higher Moral Virtue than the legalism of mere, accurate history. I have no conflict with accurate history and through a reasonable amount of research, I have come to understand certain aspects of The Hebrew Roots / Sacred Name Movements . . . I am not, however, prepared to betray what Truth I do know in my own heart and history – or the Truth I have personally found in “Jesus Christ”, as It were, a very powerful Divine Truth that was and never has been nullified by the convictions of mere men. For me to deny that Name would make me a LIAR because life, Itself, dictates differently; but the point is that I am not lying.
PART THREE: A Few Derived Values
[A] Which Name(s) should we address The Holy Trinity by? Years of steady research on the internet coupled with many conversations with various individuals set along the side of information found in books, pamphlets and other brochures, have humbly taught me that with all things fairly considered, it honestly won’t matter which set of Sacred Names that you wind up settling upon practicing Divine Reverence by. This is because circumstances are a total guarantee that regardless of whatever Name(s) you settle upon, there factually is someone or a group of people out there in our world who are very ready to tell you that you’re using the wrong Name and they will further endeavor to explain why they’re in the right about this.
On the contrary, what matters is that under whichever Sacred Name you choose to revere our heavenly Creator and/or His Blessed Son by – it must be done in “Spirit and in Truth” – (See John 2:24 – “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” / KJV)
[B] Which Biblical translation is considered “The Best”? I have seen how the internet is constantly buzzing with often-heated discussions regarding which translation of the Bible should be read / studied as a preferred text, and why. Indeed, there are as many opinions as there are people; but what I’ve learned is that which English translation to focus upon depends upon what you’re specifically looking for . . . If you want a classically-oriented, English Biblical experience, then take a look at the globally-popular King James Version . . . If you want a “Study Bible”, there are plenty to choose from . . . If you seek a “Restored Name” Bible, there are several different versions to choose from . . . If you’re looking for a “12 Step Recovery Bible”, you can find that . . . If you want a modern English translation, you can find that, too, and many other kinds of Bibles, the varieties of which seem endless . . . But it is wise to realize and to openly accept that no matter which translation you ultimately choose for whatever reasons seem best to you, there is, in fact, someone who will complain about it because of the plain fact that there is no ONE Bible that will satisfy ALL of the people ALL of the time - (there is no direct answer to the above-posed question, do you see? It’s not a trick question; but instead, it’s just that no one, singular book can serve to qualify a legitimate answer) - and so when you think about that in particular, it’s not such a far-fetched idea to consider that as a valid and reasonable explanation for why so many people express concern or confusion over which translation to engage their faith in. They have legitimate questions . . . But the singular answer is an undeniable variable: which Biblical translation to choose clearly depends upon what kind of a Biblical-Reading experience would best suit the vision or agenda one has in mind.
[C] What should other people be told about all this? Bottom-Line considerations have it that regardless of what other people say or how much pressure they put upon you to succumb to their mandated conformity, it is essential that we maintain our understood Biblical obligation to “bear witness unto the truth” – and that in doing so, there is a clear understanding at work here which has it that as long as the Name that you acknowledge Divinity with is TRUTHFULLY accurate from your own heart – (See Psalms 44:21 - “would not God have discovered it, since he knows the secrets of the heart?”) – Accordingly, I would venture to suggest that with regard to this discussion, the imposed, legalistic condemnations of other people on earth will be nullified in heaven; this is specifically because the Holy Design of LIFE, as that of an active, living and expressive conscious principle of “Christian” TRUTH or Conscious Revelation - (i.e. what “Humanity” truthfully perceives) - on the whole is far stronger and closer to Divine Reality than mere worldly definitions regarding terms-of-the-past. This is not a matter of random happenstance; but instead, one of Holy Design . . . and yet, in contrast to legalistic deception, a living image of God – (i.e. one of conscious humanity in search of Truth) - demonstrates a far more highly prized Divine Virtue than that of a mere insistence of or conscious preservation of an historical accuracy.
In short: “History was while Truth is” is an undeniably truthful value to express; and in like manner, it is truthful to say, “Jesus Christ is the Son-of-God”. Making that statement about “Jesus Christ” is not an offense because it is not untrue; and we know this is not untrue because the Beatles DID, in fact, record “The White Album”, as previously explored - and therefore, any proper reverence to or expression of an actual Truth is a far more highly esteemed in terms of conscious, Divine Virtue than a mere insistence of or conscious preservation of an historical accuracy, even if that accuracy is factual.
There is a distinction to be made . . . Books, for example, can retain and reveal certain bits of knowledge; but the books, themselves, don’t do the actual exploring of the knowledge or the consideration or speculation of the facts . . . Perhaps that can only happen in a person’s mind, or heart - or soul . . . But that we take nothing for granted – and to be sure about this: a recording of something, for example, is not the genuine article, itself; but no one is calling “Jesus Christ” anything OTHER than “The-Son-of-the-One-True-God” - **YAHWEH** - except for those people who knowingly campaign against that Sacred Name, regardless of origin or motive . . . This is because WHO he is supposed to be is not in dispute amongst His believers . . . For the believer in the Name of “Jesus Christ”, faith there upon has blessed the conscious, “Christian” experience move in a tangible and reliable manner which is in agreement with Scriptural Doctrine . . . Yes, the Bible the changes the lives of people every day . . . However, this is important: we want to remember and observe that while “History was while Truth is”, at the very same time, we cannot forget that - **YAHWEH** - describes Himself in the Torah as “I AM” – and not “I WAS”.
Therefore, for every reason cited in this detailed document, I do not betray the English Name, “Jesus Christ” by denouncing that Name as UNHOLY against - **YAHWEH** - This is because I understand my role in this life to be that of someone who “bears witness unto the truth” – and specifically, as someone who has determined - (based upon that exact Biblical principle as thoroughly examined in this document) - a very well-thought-out list of logical and systematic reasons why the full Name, “Yahshua Messiah / Jesus Christ” is, at the very least, as valid as any other Name that references the exact same historical and religious person and which is, for whatever reason by whomever, thus deemed “appropriate” – and there are, of course, dozens of other Names that all point to the exact same guy, nonetheless - [The Alpha and the Omega] – My Friend in The Holy Spirit whom I know as “The-Son-of-the-One-True-God” – He is the Everlastingly Divine Validity that I know by Name as MESSIAH to embody Perfect Holy Design – a Divine Reflection of the deepest foundational potential in all of us.
PART FOUR - Conclusion:
“History WAS while Truth IS.”
That simple statement doesn’t by default make history untrue; but it does faithfully recognize the differences between [1] what we truthfully remember from the past, set against: [2] what is real that we move with now . . . If there is anything real about that, then let us take a careful look at that very tender balance and remember that - **YAHWEH** - is “I AM” and not “I WAS”.
I will drop this argument the moment anyone can step forward and convincingly prove to both me and the rest of the entire world that “The Beatles” didn’t, in fact, record, “The White Album”.
For any final "Word" upon the matter, always consult Scripture:
"And His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns, having a Name that had been written, which no one had perceived except Himself" ~ Revelation 19:12 / The Scriptures, 2009
Michael James Fry
New York City
November 8th, 2017
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